Test Guidelines
The Basics:
The Envirothon competition is based on 6 broad categories and 2 team scores.
The broad categories include:
1. Aquatic Biology, 2. Current Issue, 3. Forestry, 4. Soil & Land Use, and 5. Wildlife.
The team scores are based on two factors:
1. Presentation and 2. Team Work
Judges will score each team based on incorporating all five categories into a 5 minute answer.
Aquatic Biology 0-10 points
Current Issue 0-10 points
Forestry 0-10 points
Soil & Land Use 0-10 points
Wildlife 0-10 points
Presentation (clear, concise, presentable) 0-15 points
Team Work 0-10 point
Test Concepts:
Equipment/Career Information
BMP and Management Planning
Overall Importance of the Resource
Problem Solving and Technical Skills
Site specific questions
WRITTEN Test: 75 Points for the written portion questions (each category):
Multiple choice
Short answers
Fill in the blanks
NO True/False questions
ORAL Test (75 Points) for the oral question – Key Points to consider:
Team Work – Requires students to formulate the answer as a team and present the answer/solutions as a team. No one person can deliver the answer.
Knowledge - Requires teams to remember information they have already learned, may include factual data, definitions or observations.
Comprehension - Consider factual information they have learned and interpret it. Make comparisons and interpretations.
Application - Give solutions to problems.
Analysis - Higher level thinking questions; teams must show understanding of the parts to an entire concept.
Synthesis –Teams are required to analyze information and give explanations.
Evaluation -Teams make judgments on ideas, solutions, methods or even products. Answers that provide reasons for the evaluation demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the topic, requiring the use of all the previous levels of thought processes.
SHORT-ANSWER Test: Two short-answer questions per category will make up the Tie Breaker. This can be worked on at the Oral Presentation station.
Aquatic Ecology
Water ecology, water chemistry, plants and animals living in or around water, water quality, water conservation, etc.
North American Envirothon - Aquatic Biology Curriculum Guidelines
South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) – Water Resources for Florida Agriculture: https://www.sfwmd.gov/doing-business-with-us/agricultural
United States Geological Survey (USGS) – Water Science Glossary of Terms:
http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/dictionary.html -
United States Geological Survey (USGS) – Water Properties and Measurements:
Current Issue
A topic selected annually by the North American Envirothon and often adopted by the Regional and State Envirothon's Planning Committees with specific state or area modifications.
2017 Current Topic: Agriculture Soil and Water Conservation Stewardship
Forest ecology, tree identification, insects, diseases, timber measurements, forest management, urban forestry, forest economics, etc.
American Forests: http://www.americanforests.org/our-programs/urbanforests/
About Tree Rings: http://ltrr.arizona.edu/about/treerings
Soil & Land Use
Classification, soil formation, basic chemical and physical properties, profiles, soil characteristics, soil surveys, site suitability, erosion, land use, conservation practices, etc.
North American Envirothon - Soil & Land Use Curriculum Guidelines
Sustainable Agriculture: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/terms/srb9902terms.shtml
Soil 4 Kids: http://soils4kids.org (by Soil Science Society of America), Recommended book: Lindbo, D. L., D. A. Kozlowski, and C. Robinson. (eds.) 2012. Know soil, know life. Soil Science Society of America.)
Soil education: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/soils/edu/
Groundwater: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/earthgwdecline.html
Organic farming: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/ofp/ofp.shtml
Restoration, golf, nutrient sections, and other articles: http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/
Soil classification: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm
Identification, habitat, foods, diseases, rules and regulations, management, etc.
Guidelines for Ranking Invasive Species Controls Projects - NISC
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) – Wildlife & Habitats (Species Profiles, Managed Species, Imperiled Species, Nonnative Species [see this list of species], Invasive Species, Wildlife Assistance, Living With Wildlife)
Florida Invaders (pdf)
Other Useful Website
North American Envirothon – Curriculum Guidelines:http://www.envirothon.org/the-competition/curriculum-guidelines
Current Location: Quiet Waters Park
Questions pertaining to the park will be on written tests. CB Smith Park is the site for the 2016 Regional Event. For more information on the park, click here.
Additional Information
EXAMPLE TESTS PROVIDED BY THE NORTH AMERICAN ENVIROTHON WEBSITE - http://www.envirothon.org/the-competition/test-writing
All study packets are suggested topics, concepts and areas of interest. Questions are directly taken from the Key Points, Study Packets and/or websites. Category Key Points and Study Packets are the same used for the Florida Envirothon. Websites are those suggested by the test makers of the Southeast Regional Envirothon.
Visit these sites for more information regarding Envirothons:
Florida State Envirothon - http://flenvirothon.com/
2017 Florida State Envirothon - http://www.eco-tan.org/FloridaEnvirothon.html
North American Envirothon - http://www.envirothon.org/