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Rules of the Competition 

1. The rules and regulations of the Florida Envirothon are subject to change the by the Florida Envirothon Board.  Any and all changes will be provided in advance to all teams and advisors. All changes will be announced and distributed upon request to all Envirothon teams.


2. It is suggested that all correspondence to the Florida Envirothon Board be via the contact person on the website.


3. All Florida Envirothon competitions includes hands-on and problem solving activities in five areas: Aquatic Ecology, Forestry, Soil & Land Use, Wildlife, and Current Issues. A Current Issue oral question will be emailed to the registered primary Advisor prior to the event to prepare their team. The one oral question will include all five topic areas.


4. Students/team members must be registered in grades 9–12 for the current school year to compete in the Florida Envirothon.


5. The use of tobacco products, drugs and alcohol is prohibited at any activities associated with the Florida Envirothon.  All rules of the host facility will apply.


6. Transportation, lodging and meals are the responsibility of the team members and their Advisers, unless otherwise indicated.


7. Teams must consist of five (5), and can have up to seven (7), members who represent the same school or organization from their original Regional Envirothon team roster. Five of the seven must be identified as the team representatives for actual competition the morning of the event, substitution throughout the day is not permitted, and must participate in all planned Envirothon competition activities (this does not include extra-curricular activities). Any team member (one) that attends the competition, but is not competing for their school/organization will be placed onto “Combined Teams” that will be able to compete for category awards, but not for overall winner, runner up or third place awards.


8. All participating Envirothon team members must wear the current Florida Envirothon T-shirts for safety and identification purposes.


9. Resource materials to prepare the team for the competition can be found online on the Florida Envirothon website.


10. Resource materials, electronic devices and backpacks are prohibited at testing sites during the competition unless provided by the testing station facilitator.


11. Each winning Regional Envirothon team must complete the Team Registration Form, available online, by the date indicated online in order to participate in the State Envirothon.


12. All requests for extensions past the registration deadline must be made in writing via email and will be granted at the discretion of the Florida Envirothon Board of Directors.


13. Each county may send one representative team to the Florida Envirothon competition, providing that team has competed in a Regional competition against at least one other team from at least one different school or organization.


14. All late arriving teams will be placed at the next beginning rotation or other appropriate starting point rather than be inserted into the middle of a location or test section. No provisions will be made for teams to make up missed test section. All late arriving teams will be ineligible to be overall winners of the competition.


15. Team registration fees must be paid for a team to be eligible to participate in the Florida Envirothon competition, prior to the competition. (see the Florida Envirothon website for current fees)


16. To be eligible for placement at the State competition, the team must be made up of the original 9th-12th grade team members on the roster at the Regional competition (if a team has seven team members [or five and two alternates], only five were able to compete for their team, however, any mix of those original seven can compete at the State competition).


17. Contact the Florida Envirothon Board if team members will be using/needing special accommodations (i.e. hearing impaired, wheelchair access, etc.).


18. Tie-breaker procedures and appeals committees are established before the competition. Judge’s decisions are final.


19.The overall winner of the Florida Envirothon competition is the team that is eligible for placement and receives the highest cumulative score in all testing areas. The winning team has the opportunity to represent Florida at the NCF Envirothon, if the winner chooses not to go, or will not have 5 members of their original team, the opportunity will be given to the runner-up team, and then to the 3rd place team in order to have a Florida representative at the national event. PLEASE KNOW IF YOU WILL ATTEND THE NCF IN THE SUMMER BEFORE ARRIVING AT THE FLORIDA ENVIROTHON – AS 1ST, 2ND OR 3RD PLACE, YOU WILL BE ASKED AT THE EVENT.


20. Team members must display proper conduct throughout the event. Any violation of these rules and regulations is subject to discussion by the judges and could lead to disqualification of a team or teams.


21. For more information, an appeals form or complaint form, contact the Envirothon Chairperson or Events Chair.

© 2017 by Envirothon Florida, Inc.

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